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❖》 Administrative / ◆》employee-focus
Urgent Request For those of you with the focus of chopping down trees, we're in urgent need to restock our Mangrove, Crimson, Warped and Acacia chest shops. It is important we keep our stock full and have a stockpile to fill up the depilated supply. For those of you who can get a barrel full of each, I'll personally pay 8.5k for a barrel of each type. @Employee @DonFuer Citizen
Be sure to provide a screenshot of the barrels once they're full, and send them in #◈》employee-chat if you're an employee. If you're not an employee send a screenshot to my DMs directly.
I should clarify this a bit better, I will pay you to grind out a barrel and sell it. So you're making double the money for the work of a single barrel.
a1fastyellowgto 26/08/2024 00:55
@hereNext weekend is a long weekend, so I will pay dividends out Thursday, as well as a Holiday Pay Bonus
Bonus is coming, total is TBA
a1fastyellowgto 27/08/2024 17:23
My internet is down at home, but I should have it back withing the next few days. (The city is installing fiber-optics and my street doesn't have internet) If I really need to I'll use my phone's hotspot, but only for the most crucial matters. (I only have 20gb of hotspot data)
a1fastyellowgto 13/09/2024 02:07
Today was a rollercoaster in shop assets. We got down to 402k, but I sold a lot of mats for profits to get back to 574k
Once we stabilize, I'll start expanding the shop out again
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