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DonFuer Public
archived 2 / history
new account acuzi 24/03/2020 18:19
DONFUER 1 D_loaded logs onto his new friend Benji's server. Benji is complaining that his city named "Reich" has been taken over by sirplayerguyfag and Clonetrooper32. D_loaded and Benji build a few buildings, making a small village and D decides it will be called "Don Fuer" Riech is an ugly city, full of stone box shaped buildings. Sirplayer and clonetrooper32 have renamed the city "France". D_loaded attacks them, and attempts to liberate the city to please his friend Benji. He attacks them again and again until they give up, and turn the city back over to Benji. However in anger they destroy DonFuer. . (edited)
DONFUER 2 D_loaded had anticipated the fall of Don 1, and so he started work on a 2nd DonFuer nearby. This don used Stone walls and towers to extend the building area, and would be twice the size. Unfortunatly Sirplayerguyfag and clonetrooper32 found this one, before it was even finished. However instead of attacking they decided they would put the past behind and they would live there. The second DonFuer was a happy town community, which lasted a few weeks. During that time a few more players came to the server, such as Tonyshrimp, Swift, and Sig. The black and red colors were used on the first coat of arms. The second Don fights a war with a guy who built on a mountain. They griefed his base, and fight him. Benji leaves DonFuer, and starts attacking it out of boredom. D, Sirplayer, clonetrooper, and swift all defend DonFuer against Benji's attack. Benji rejoins, having explained it was boredom after the fact. There is alot of roleplay, and cheating involved. One day, sirplayerguyfag and clonetrooper decide to grief it all, for still unknown reasons. Benji and them go to live in Riech again and the second DonFuer is destroyed. D_loaded spends the rest of his time attacking Riech, burning their houses, blowing up parts of the city, lavacasting the surrounding area. Eventually a new update is released and Benji decided they needed a fresh map. (edited)
new account acuzi 24/03/2020 19:44
DONFUER 3 PART 1 In a time long ago, Before the stone changed color, and before the savana. Two friends in a new world made a small wooden home on the first mountain top they saw. A wooden bridge was built to connect to the nearby mountaintop. On past things that were agreed to be left behind, the 2 ennemy, sirplayerguyfag, and clonetrooper32 came in the night and attacked. Burning the wooden house, and taking all that was there. They left. Instead of wood, D rebuilt with stone. Operating from this small fort, Benji and D_Loaded gathered resources. A few more people joined and lived in small homes carved out of the mountain side, the side facing inwards towards the valley with the farm. As the town grew, it did so from the side facing inward towards the valley, outward, around the side. The first tower was bult across the bridge, on the southern mountain ridge. Eventually the location of the Highwaymen's base was discovered. They soon suffered attacks and raids at the hands of D_Loaded who raided them until Sirplayerguyfag, clonetrooper32, and swift joined the city. The city now growing larger everyday, was then crowned the 3rd donfuer. For awhile, resources were shared, and times were good. Sirplayerguyfag was then called buddy, mined lots of ore, and was then considered a full member. D built a hall and a storage room ontop of the mountain, and 1 more tower plus more houses. Benji built a village in the valley below. Once during this time a rogue player built a Cobblestone structure on the mountain across from the city. This conflicted with the plans for Donfuer, so it was destroyed. Eventually, the highwaymen left, and they were allowed to do so peacefully. (edited)
new account acuzi 24/03/2020 20:31
PART 2 Later when Benji and D_Loaded were the only people online, the Highwaymen attacked Donfuer. After going under the bridge through the narrow mountain pass from spawn, they slowly climbed up the steps up to the city. They died again, to arrows from D_Loaded and Benji, and when they reached the top they were batted off with knockback. After dying several times, Sirplayerguyfag calls for retreat. A few days later, D_loaded, Benji, and Tonyshrimp attack the highwaymen base, which is surrounded by obsidian. Its multi tiered ring shape have good defense, but it had no roof. Using invisibility potions, Benji and tonyshrimp constructed a TNT cannon and burrowed under the walls. D_loaded entered, killed swift, and raided the chests. This victory over the highwaymen was celebrated with many new construction projects being started. There was days of peace, other than a few minor skirmishes with Buddy and Neon. There was also an instance where D_loaded attacked 3 players in a forest to the west of Donfuer, using invisibility. A marketplace for testificates is built, and a mob grinder. Many golden apples are obtained. Benji constructs a wall around the valley, with a metal gate. Membership reaches to 15.
new account acuzi 24/03/2020 21:04
PART 3 After some time, Benji leaves Donfuer, taking many players with him, and he creates a wooden town in the jungle to the west of the valley. Now D must act to keep the empire. He attacks and burns the wooden town. Every last part of it burns. Benji is angry, and later when nobody is online, he attacks donfuer, killing D_Loaded, and claims he is the leader of Donfuer. D_loaded continues attacking him, and then he surrenders the city to D. Because withstanding the attacks is too much for him, he joins Donfuer again. The wooden bridge is replaced with stone architecture. This was the last thing built in the city. At this point DonFuer had been the center of the server for 2 and a half months. Slowly players just... left. Left the server, left the city, left everything. Sig and D_Loaded were the only ones still in donfuer. At this point there was nobody on the server who hadn't been in the 3rd donfuer. And everyone looked on the city, now a ghost town, and said "I think DonFuer has had its time, things are done." And it continues like this for some time. D, refusing to give up, fighting in vain against the erosion of time. D fought a few more times with Buddy, he raided the farm a few times. D attacked a small town that was being created a ways away from Donfuer, called Thistledale. Then, the highwaymen launched a massive attack on Donfuer. D looked out and saw them approach from the forest at spawn. D went out and raided their camp with Benji's help, and they retreated. Benji abandoned donfuer, and they attacked again. D_loaded and Sig are the only players left to defend the city against the Highwaymen. Buddy gets the thought to use TNT, and blows up the wall, the gate, and the narrow pass on the east side of the valley, under the bridge. D_loaded goes down to fight against him, Sig fires arrows. D and Sig die alot. In the brutal fighting, without benjis help, the city is lost to Buddy and his forces. (edited)
PART 4 Although Buddy had attacked the city, he could not claim the land. And D and Sig wouldn't give up, so they took it back that night. This hard won victory confirmed in the minds of everyone that the strength of DonFuer was wavering. Its destruction was coming, but nobody knew how soon. A week later Benji leaves Donfuer, and betrays D. Agreeing to help Buddy, and his minions attack the city. Sig has hard drive failiure. This time, they tell d_loaded that there will be no mercy, and buddy promises to destroy Donfuer. Struck with the pain and shock of the betrayal, and the hopelessness of the incoming siege, D_loaded acquires all of the TNT benji had cheated in, and covered the city in it. One man cannot defend something so large against 5 or 6 attackers..
PART 5 D fired arrows down at them as they approached from Spawn. Someone's arrow had then struck TNT. From the top of the hall to the bottom of the hall, the mine chambers, the city was sheared in half, by the explosion that blew down half of the mountain. Everyone stopped and watched for several seconds, as they saw the largest and most impressive build on their server get destroyed, in a way they never imagined. D survived the explosion, because of gapples, which nobody could get anymore because the spawn shop had shut down. D had the largest supply of them stockpiled. D, Sirplayerguyfag, and Benji fought bitterly in the ashes for 30 minutes. They eventually left the ruins to D. D everything valuable and left.
AFTERMATH OF DON 3 The server entered a sort of depressing time. D spent the time working to make Benji and Buddies life miserable. D had a lot of resources that he built up. D finally got his revenge when D and someone else attacked the town where Buddy, Swift, and Neon were living at. D discovered Potions of Strength, which were new to being used in PVP at that point, and used it to his advantage, killing everyone in their town. D had burned and destroyed it. D made buddy suffer and pay for what he did. Swift surrendered and helped D torture buddy. Benji was there, but what he did is lost to time. The server was never the same again after that point. (edited)
new account acuzi 27/03/2021 17:42
nobody is gonna read this shit so i archived it
we can make it more interesting
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