Do you understand that you are required to submit Picture and or document during the application process and failing to do so will result in your application being automatically being denied. If you don’t have time to properly fill out this application at this current moment do so at a later time. I Understand What is your age & year of birth? 27 years old 1997 DonFuer is committed to community and building and wants to stay out of drama with other groups. Are you able to commit here and now to give up griefing? Never griefed, never will. How did you hear about Donfuer? Youtube Videos, Ingame and Reddit When did you start playing Minecraft? 2011 Beta 1.6 When did you start playing 2b2t? 2021 What type of player are you? Builder What other groups are you part of (past and current) & What role/rank did you hold (Specify if leadership)? Only group im part of is Inzland, there i hold the second highest rank (partners excluded) Do you have a microphone? Yes What is your discord username? [Zlizz3R / ]( (i hope this works, discord names are a mistery to me) What is your Minecraft username? Please list all alts too. Zlizz3R Do you have priority queue ? Yes, recurring for the forseeable future Do you know anyone currently in the group who could vouch for you? No but anyone from Inzland could vouch for me. Im a trusted member there. Please provide proof you are who you actually are in Minecraft by showing your name over your character in game - This step is REQUIRED or you will AUTOMATICALLY BE DENIED. See chat in first screenshot and top left in second screenshot for proof its me Please provide screenshots/images of some of the build have you created. The turtle and dragon is actual stuff i build on 2b the mountain is a custom mountain created by me using 3D Models and Blender. Last screenshot of the mountain is me trying to make the schematic build friendly but the edges looked kinda shit. There is also my first version of the turtle where i learned alot about blender, schematics and building mega projects: Is there any other information you would like to add to your application? I really like working with 3D Modells and Blender if any base members would like to create a schematic for something i will gladly help TOS - Do you agree that you will not inside, leak or grief anything DonFuer or their allies I agree