``````````````````````````````````````````````````````Men at arms pledge/ General pledge You wish to become part of DonFuer? Yes Repeate after me: I [instert username] hereby swear Loyalty to DonFuer, to obey its rules and policies, to protect its city, and its long legacy across many servers. pledging to be upright and honourable in all my ways, never greifing or fighting another DonFuerian, always ready to help one in need. Everyone: As it is said, so it shall be, Hail DonFuer Knight's pledge DonFuer has noticed and rewards your destinguished service. Do you seek to become a warrior for DonFuer, honorible and respecable in all your ways? Will you swear to uphold and protect the factions bases and ideal's across all servers and bases? Then arise {instert name} Knight of the Empire! `````````````````````