package nocomment.master.clustering; import io.prometheus.client.Gauge; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2LongOpenHashMap; import nocomment.master.db.Database; import nocomment.master.util.ChunkPos; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; enum Aggregator { INSTANCE; private static final Gauge aggregatorLag = .name("aggregator_lag") .help("Hits not yet aggregated") .register(); private static final long DBSCAN_TIMESTAMP_INTERVAL = TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1); private static final long MAX_GAP = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(2); private static final long MIN_DURATION_FOR_IGNORE = DBSCAN.MIN_OCCUPANCY_DURATION; private static final long MIN_DURATION_FOR_NODE = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5); private static final int LIMIT_SZ = 1000; private final Int2LongOpenHashMap parentAgeCache = new Int2LongOpenHashMap(); private static class PastHit { long id; long created_at; short serverID; short dimension; int x; int z; @Override public String toString() { return "{" + id + " " + created_at + " " + x + "," + x + " " + serverID + " " + dimension + "}"; } } public boolean aggregateEligible(long cpos) { final int x = ChunkPos.decodeX(cpos); final int z = ChunkPos.decodeZ(cpos); return Math.abs(x) > 100 && Math.abs(z) > 100 && Math.abs(Math.abs(x) - Math.abs(z)) > 100 && ChunkPos.distSqSerialized(cpos) > 1500L * 1500L; } private static List query(long startID, Connection connection) throws SQLException { try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("" + " SELECT " + " id, server_id, dimension, x, z, created_at " + " FROM " + " hits " + " WHERE " + " id > ? " + " AND " + " ( " + " ( " + " dimension = 0 AND " + " ( " + " ABS(x) > 100 " + " AND ABS(z) > 100 " + " AND ABS(ABS(x) - ABS(z)) > 100 " + " AND x::BIGINT * x::BIGINT + z::BIGINT * z::BIGINT > 1500 * 1500 " + " ) " + " ) " + " OR " + " ( " + " dimension = 1 AND " + " ( " + " ABS(x) > 50 " + " AND ABS(z) > 50 " + " AND ABS(ABS(x) - ABS(z)) > 50 " + " AND x::BIGINT * x::BIGINT + z::BIGINT * z::BIGINT > 500 * 500 " + " ) " + " ) " + " ) " + " ORDER BY id " + " LIMIT ? " )) { stmt.setLong(1, startID); stmt.setInt(2, LIMIT_SZ); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { PastHit hit = new PastHit(); hit.serverID = rs.getShort("server_id"); hit.dimension = rs.getShort("dimension"); hit.x = rs.getInt("x"); hit.z = rs.getInt("z"); = rs.getLong("id"); hit.created_at = rs.getLong("created_at"); ret.add(hit); } return ret; } } } public synchronized void multiAggregate() { Set marked = new HashSet<>(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long num = 0; while (aggregateHits(marked)) { num += LIMIT_SZ; System.out.println("MS per was approx " + (double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / (double) num); } } private boolean aggregateHits(Set alreadyMarked) { System.out.println("DBSCAN aggregator triggered"); try (Connection connection = Database.getConnection()) { connection.setAutoCommit(false); long lastProcessedHitID = 0; try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT last_processed_hit_id FROM dbscan_progress"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( { lastProcessedHitID = rs.getLong("last_processed_hit_id"); } } long lastRealHitID; try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT MAX(id) AS max_id FROM hits"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) {; lastRealHitID = rs.getLong("max_id"); } long lag = lastRealHitID - lastProcessedHitID; aggregatorLag.set(lag); if (lag < 10000) { System.out.println("DBSCAN aggregator not running, only " + lag + " hits behind real time"); return false; } System.out.println("DBSCAN aggregator running " + lag + " hits behind real time"); long maxHitIDProcessed = 0; List past = query(lastProcessedHitID, connection); if (past.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (PastHit hit : past) { // the common case is a brand new hit, so, counterintuitively, do that BEFORE the select maxHitIDProcessed = Math.max(maxHitIDProcessed,; try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("" + // 1 count will NEVER pass filter layer 2 and graduate to is_node "INSERT INTO dbscan (server_id, dimension, x, z, is_node, is_core, cluster_parent, disjoint_rank, disjoint_size, first_init_hit, last_init_hit, ts_ranges) VALUES" + " (?, ?, ?, ?, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 0, 1, ?, ?, ARRAY[]::INT8RANGE[]) ON CONFLICT (server_id, dimension, x, z) DO NOTHING RETURNING first_init_hit")) { stmt.setShort(1, hit.serverID); stmt.setShort(2, hit.dimension); stmt.setInt(3, hit.x); stmt.setInt(4, hit.z); stmt.setLong(5, hit.created_at); stmt.setLong(6, hit.created_at); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { // we get 0 rows if duplicate, and 1 row if brand new if ( { // it's brand new (no conflict) continue; } } } int dbID; long lastInitHit; long occupancyDuration; OptionalLong lastRangeEnd = OptionalLong.empty(); boolean isNode; OptionalInt clusterParent = OptionalInt.empty(); try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT is_node, id, cluster_parent, last_init_hit, _range_union_cardinality(ts_ranges) AS occupancy_duration, UPPER(ts_ranges[ARRAY_UPPER(ts_ranges, 1)]) AS last_range FROM dbscan WHERE server_id = ? AND dimension = ? AND x = ? AND z = ?")) { stmt.setShort(1, hit.serverID); stmt.setShort(2, hit.dimension); stmt.setInt(3, hit.x); stmt.setInt(4, hit.z); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if (! { throw new IllegalStateException("The insert failed due to unique, but the select also has no rows?!??! " + hit); } isNode = rs.getBoolean("is_node"); dbID = rs.getInt("id"); int parent = rs.getInt("cluster_parent"); if (!rs.wasNull()) { clusterParent = OptionalInt.of(parent); } lastInitHit = rs.getLong("last_init_hit"); occupancyDuration = rs.getLong("occupancy_duration"); if (rs.wasNull()) { occupancyDuration = 0; } long lastRange = rs.getLong("last_range"); if (!rs.wasNull()) { lastRangeEnd = OptionalLong.of(lastRange); } } } if (clusterParent.isPresent()) { long committedUpdate = parentAgeCache.getOrDefault(clusterParent.getAsInt(), 0L); long now = hit.created_at; if (committedUpdate < now - DBSCAN_TIMESTAMP_INTERVAL) { try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE dbscan SET root_updated_at = ? WHERE id = ?")) { stmt.setLong(1, now); stmt.setInt(2, clusterParent.getAsInt()); stmt.executeUpdate(); } parentAgeCache.put(clusterParent.getAsInt(), now); } } // we need to update duration information, and count information boolean guaranteedCore = occupancyDuration > MIN_DURATION_FOR_IGNORE; if (guaranteedCore) { if (!isNode) { throw new IllegalStateException("Impossible " + hit); } // nothing to do continue; } long gap = hit.created_at - lastInitHit; if (gap <= 0) { continue; } if (gap > MAX_GAP) { // we don't want to do anything except for update last_init_hit // this doesn't change ts_ranges, so it can't change is_node try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE dbscan SET last_init_hit = ? WHERE id = ?")) { stmt.setLong(1, hit.created_at); stmt.setInt(2, dbID); stmt.executeUpdate(); } continue; } long newOccupancy = occupancyDuration + gap; boolean newNode = isNode || newOccupancy > MIN_DURATION_FOR_NODE; // okay, time to add this time range (from lastInitHit to hit.created_at) to ts_ranges! // two possible ways: if (lastRangeEnd.isPresent() && lastRangeEnd.getAsLong() == lastInitHit) { // first way: increase the upper of the last array element // if lastRangeEnd is present, that means that ts_ranges already has entries // it also means that the last range end is actually our most recent hit, so we want to extend that by gap, to hit.created_at try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE dbscan SET last_init_hit = ?, is_node = ?, ts_ranges = ARRAY_APPEND((SELECT ARRAY(SELECT UNNEST(ts_ranges) LIMIT (SELECT ARRAY_UPPER(ts_ranges, 1) - 1))), INT8RANGE(LOWER(ts_ranges[ARRAY_UPPER(ts_ranges, 1)]), ?)) WHERE id = ?")) { stmt.setLong(1, hit.created_at); stmt.setBoolean(2, newNode); stmt.setLong(3, hit.created_at); stmt.setInt(4, dbID); stmt.executeUpdate(); } } else { // otherwise, we need to add a new element, from lastInitHit to hit.created_at try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE dbscan SET last_init_hit = ?, is_node = ?, ts_ranges = ARRAY_APPEND(ts_ranges, INT8RANGE(?, ?)) WHERE id = ?")) { stmt.setLong(1, hit.created_at); stmt.setBoolean(2, newNode); stmt.setLong(3, lastInitHit); stmt.setLong(4, hit.created_at); stmt.setInt(5, dbID); stmt.executeUpdate(); } } if (newNode) { // if anything changed AND we are currently a node, queue a ranged update in an hour // if we were previously a node (so, no count change) and duration didn't change (i.e. we just updated last_init_hit), then we don't though String dedupeKey = hit.serverID + " " + hit.dimension + " " + hit.x + " " + hit.z; if (alreadyMarked.add(dedupeKey)) { // within a single run of aggregator, there was no consumer of dbscan_to_update, by contract // therefore this only needs to run once each DBSCAN.markForUpdateAllWithinRadius(hit.serverID, hit.dimension, hit.x, hit.z, connection); } } } try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE dbscan_progress SET last_processed_hit_id = ?")) { stmt.setLong(1, maxHitIDProcessed); stmt.execute(); } System.out.println("DBSCAN aggregator committing"); connection.commit(); Database.incrementCommitCounter("aggregator"); return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } }