package nocomment.master.slurp; import io.prometheus.client.Counter; import io.prometheus.client.Gauge; import io.prometheus.client.Histogram; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.*; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator; import net.openhft.chronicle.core.values.LongValue; import; import net.openhft.chronicle.values.Values; import nocomment.master.World; import nocomment.master.clustering.DBSCAN; import nocomment.master.db.Database; import nocomment.master.tracking.TrackyTrackyManager; import nocomment.master.util.BlockPos; import nocomment.master.util.ChunkPos; import nocomment.master.util.LoggingExecutor; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import; public class SlurpManager { private static final Gauge slurpData = .name("slurp_data") .help("Sizes of various slurp data structures") .labelNames("field") .register(); private static final Counter slurpedChunks = .name("slurped_chunks_total") .help("Number of chunks we've seeded slurping in") .register(); private static final Counter slurpChunkSeeds = .name("slurp_chunk_seeds_total") .help("Number of seed blocks we have checked in total") .register(); private static final Counter slurpDelay = .name("slurped_delay_total") .help("Number of times seeding a chunk has been delayed") .labelNames("reason") .register(); private static final Counter clusterHitDirectPrune = .name("slurp_cluster_hit_direct_prune_total") .help("Number of times a chunk has been removed from clusterHitDirect") .register(); private static final Histogram asksPruneLatencies = .name("slurp_asks_prune_latencies") .help("Asks prune latencies") .register(); private static final Histogram metricsUpdateLatencies = .name("slurp_metrics_update_latencies") .help("Metrics update latencies") .register(); private static final Histogram clusterHitIngestLatencies = .name("slurp_cluster_hit_ingest_latencies") .help("Cluster hit ingest latencies") .register(); private static final Histogram chunkSeedScanLatencies = .name("slurp_chunk_seed_scan_latencies") .help("Chunk seed scan latencies") .register(); private static final Gauge allAsksOffHeap = .name("all_asks_off_heap") .help("Size of the allAsks map off heap") .register(); private static final Counter blacklistedClusterSkips = .name("blacklisted_cluster_skips_total") .help("Number of times we have skipped a blacklisted cluster in total") .register(); private static final long SIGN_AGE = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(3); private static final long EXPAND_AGE = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(21); private static final long RENEW_AGE = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(15); private static final long RENEW_INTERVAL = RENEW_AGE * 2; // 30 minutes private static final long BRUSH_AGE = RENEW_AGE; // it's complicated private static final long CHECK_MAX_GAP = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(30); private static final long CLUSTER_DATA_CACHE_DURATION = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1); private static final long PRUNE_AGE = TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(2); private static final long PENDING_RECHECK_AGE = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(2); private static final long HEIGHT_MAP_CACHE_DURATION = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1); private static final long MIN_DIST_SQ_CHUNKS = 6250L * 6250L; // 100k blocks private static final long NUM_RENEWALS = 4; private static final int MAX_CHECK_STATUS_QUEUE_LENGTH = 5000; private static final int MIN_PENDING_TO_RECHECK = 50; private static final int MAX_PENDING_CHECKS = 250_000; private static final IntOpenHashSet BLACKLISTED_CLUSTERS = new IntOpenHashSet(new IntArrayList(new int[]{ 218456744, // skymasons 1 210410667, // skymasons 2 // TODO add other stupid stuff that we don't want to waste time on })); private static final Random random = new Random(); public final World world; private final Executor blockRecvExecutor = new LoggingExecutor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(), "block_recv"); // blockRecv is synchronized so we only need one private final ChunkManager chunkManager; private final Long2ObjectOpenHashMap askedAndGotUnloadedResponse = new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); // long = chunkpos private final ChronicleMap allAsks = ChronicleMap.of(LongValue.class, AskStatus.class) // long = blockpos .name("all_asks") .constantKeySizeBySample(AskStatus.Helper.LONG_VALUE_KEY) .constantValueSizeBySample(AskStatus.Helper.ASK_STATUS_VALUE) .entries(25_000_000) .maxBloatFactor(4) .create(); private final Set signsAskedFor = new HashSet<>(); private final LinkedBlockingQueue ingest = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); private final Object ingestLock = new Object(); private final Object clusterLock = new Object(); // long chunkPos private final LongOpenHashSet clusterMembershipConfirmed = new LongOpenHashSet(); // long chunkPos, long time private final Long2LongOpenHashMap clusterNonmembershipConfirmedAtCache = new Long2LongOpenHashMap(); private final Long2LongOpenHashMap clusterHit = new Long2LongOpenHashMap(); private final Long2LongOpenHashMap clusterHitDirect = new Long2LongOpenHashMap(); private final LinkedBlockingQueue clusterHitDirectPrunes = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); private final Long2LongOpenHashMap renewalSchedule = new Long2LongOpenHashMap(); // long = chunkPos private final Long2ObjectOpenHashMap heightMapCache = new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); private long lastHeightMapCachePurgeAt; public SlurpManager(World world) { = world; if (world.dimension != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only overworld for the moment"); } if (world.server.hostname.equals("")) { this.chunkManager = new ChunkManager(); } else { this.chunkManager = null; } TrackyTrackyManager.scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(LoggingExecutor.wrap(this::pruneAsks), 12 * 60 + 10, 12 * 60, TimeUnit.MINUTES); TrackyTrackyManager.scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(LoggingExecutor.wrap(this::pruneClusterData), 1, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS); TrackyTrackyManager.scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(LoggingExecutor.wrap(this::pruneBlocks), 20, 60, TimeUnit.MINUTES); TrackyTrackyManager.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(LoggingExecutor.wrap(() -> { synchronized (clusterLock) { Histogram.Timer timer = clusterHitIngestLatencies.startTimer(); ingestIntoClusterHit(); timer.observeDuration(); } }), 10000, 250, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); TrackyTrackyManager.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(LoggingExecutor.wrap(() -> { synchronized (clusterLock) { Histogram.Timer timer = chunkSeedScanLatencies.startTimer(); scanClusterHit(); timer.observeDuration(); } }), 10000, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); TrackyTrackyManager.scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(LoggingExecutor.wrap(this::updateMetrics), 0, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); TrackyTrackyManager.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(LoggingExecutor.wrap(this::detectUnloaded), 0, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } private synchronized void pruneBlocks() { int beforeSz = allAsks.size(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Histogram.Timer timer = asksPruneLatencies.startTimer(); synchronized (world.blockCheckManager) { allAsks.forEachEntry(entry -> { if (entry.value().getUsing(AskStatus.Helper.ASK_STATUS_VALUE).getLastDirectAsk() < now - PRUNE_AGE && world.blockCheckManager.hasBeenRemoved(entry.key().getUsing(AskStatus.Helper.LONG_VALUE_KEY).getValue())) { entry.doRemove(); } }); } timer.observeDuration(); long mid = System.currentTimeMillis(); int total = askedAndGotUnloadedResponse.values().stream().mapToInt(rd -> rd.failedSignChecks.size() + rd.failedBlockChecks.size()).sum(); System.out.println("FASTER? Took " + (mid - now) + "ms to prune allAsks keySet. Took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - mid) + "ms to check AAGURT. Size went from " + beforeSz + " to " + allAsks.size() + ". HMC: " + heightMapCache.size() + ". CMC: " + clusterMembershipConfirmed.size() + ". CNCAC: " + clusterNonmembershipConfirmedAtCache.size() + ". CH: " + clusterHit.size() + ". RS: " + renewalSchedule.size() + ". SAF: " + signsAskedFor.size() + ". AAGUR: " + askedAndGotUnloadedResponse.size() + ". AAGURT: " + total); } private synchronized void updateMetrics() { Histogram.Timer timer = metricsUpdateLatencies.startTimer(); allAsksOffHeap.set(allAsks.offHeapMemoryUsed()); slurpData.labels("all_asks").set(allAsks.size()); slurpData.labels("height_map_cache").set(heightMapCache.size()); slurpData.labels("cluster_membership_confirmed").set(clusterMembershipConfirmed.size()); slurpData.labels("cluster_nonmembership_confirmed_at_cache").set(clusterNonmembershipConfirmedAtCache.size()); slurpData.labels("cluster_hit").set(clusterHit.size()); slurpData.labels("cluster_hit_direct").set(clusterHitDirect.size()); slurpData.labels("renewal_schedule").set(renewalSchedule.size()); // signs :( slurpData.labels("asked_and_got_unloaded_response").set(askedAndGotUnloadedResponse.size()); int total = askedAndGotUnloadedResponse.values().stream().mapToInt(rd -> rd.failedSignChecks.size() + rd.failedBlockChecks.size()).sum(); slurpData.labels("asked_and_got_unloaded_response_total").set(total); timer.observeDuration(); } private void slurpDelay(String reason) { slurpDelay.labels(reason).inc(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); // don't add fuel to the fire } catch (InterruptedException ex) {} } private void detectUnloaded() { if (clusterHitDirectPrunes.isEmpty()) { return; } Set unloaded = new HashSet<>(); clusterHitDirectPrunes.drainTo(unloaded); List toRecheck = new ArrayList<>(); world.chunkChecksLookup(unloaded.iterator(), (cpos, count) -> { if (count > MIN_PENDING_TO_RECHECK) { toRecheck.add(cpos); // don't do it in here, we are holding world lock } }); Random loc = new Random(); toRecheck.forEach(cposSerialized -> { ChunkPos cpos = ChunkPos.fromLong(cposSerialized); askFor(cpos.origin().add(loc.nextInt(16), loc.nextInt(256), loc.nextInt(16)), 55, System.currentTimeMillis() - PENDING_RECHECK_AGE); }); } private void scanClusterHit() { if (BlockCheckManager.checkStatusQueue.size() > MAX_CHECK_STATUS_QUEUE_LENGTH) { slurpDelay("check_queue_length"); return; } if (world.pendingChecks() > MAX_PENDING_CHECKS) { slurpDelay("pending_check_count"); return; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); renewalSchedule.values().removeIf(ts -> ts < now); Optional candidates = clusterHit.long2LongEntrySet() .stream() .filter(entry -> { if (entry.getLongValue() < now - CHECK_MAX_GAP) { return false; } long cpos = entry.getLongKey(); return !renewalSchedule.containsKey(cpos); }) .max(Comparator.comparingLong(entry -> ChunkPos.distSqSerialized(entry.getLongKey()))); if (!candidates.isPresent()) { slurpDelay("renewal_schedule"); return; } long cposSerialized = candidates.get().getLongKey(); if (ChunkPos.distSqSerialized(cposSerialized) < MIN_DIST_SQ_CHUNKS) { slurpDelay("too_close"); return; } //System.out.println("Beginning slurp on chunk " + cpos);; // again, no need for a lock on renewalSchedule since only this touches it renewalSchedule.put(cposSerialized, now + RENEW_INTERVAL); // blockingly fetch heightmap in the enclosing scope // only if we have chunk generation can we do heightmap based queries HeightmapTimestampedCacheEntryWrapper heightMap = this.chunkManager != null ? this.heightMapCache.computeIfAbsent(cposSerialized, this::heightMap) : null; if (now > lastHeightMapCachePurgeAt + HEIGHT_MAP_CACHE_DURATION) { heightMapCache.values().removeIf(entry -> entry.lastAccess < now - HEIGHT_MAP_CACHE_DURATION); lastHeightMapCachePurgeAt = now; } // first, send a random check with high priority ChunkPos cpos = ChunkPos.fromLong(cposSerialized); askFor(cpos.origin().add(random.nextInt(16), random.nextInt(256), random.nextInt(16)), 56, now - RENEW_AGE);; Set toSeed = new HashSet<>(); Set toSeedHigh = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // TODO increase this as we get more hits but failed slurp seedings in this location toSeed.add(cpos.origin().add(random.nextInt(16), random.nextInt(256), random.nextInt(16))); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RENEWALS; i++) { int dx = random.nextInt(16); int dz = random.nextInt(16); int x = cpos.getXStart() + dx; int z = cpos.getZStart() + dz; if (heightMap != null) { BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, heightMap.getHeightMapAt(dx, dz), z); // exception for the single most important one; the core gets a priority boost toSeedHigh.add(pos); toSeed.add(pos.add(0, 1, 0)); } // also keep up to date any sky structures / sky bases... interestingYCoordsFromLastTime(x, z).forEach(y -> { // no need to check if y==pos.y, if it is equal it's fine since it'll dedup on prio and constant now-renew_age BlockPos skybase = new BlockPos(x, y, z); if (random.nextBoolean()) { // :zany_face: toSeed.add(skybase); } if (random.nextBoolean()) { // :yum: // randomly grab something a little ways above or below, just for fun toSeed.add(skybase.add(0, (random.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1) * (2 + random.nextInt(4)), 0)); } // the cool part is that both cases (max and min) will overlap in the common case with the standard heightmap coords :) // so this is zero cost (except on decorator mismatch) other than when it's a true base to renew :) if (random.nextBoolean()) { // :woozy_face: toSeed.add(skybase.add(0, 1, 0)); } // adjacent cantilevers, e.g. map art if (random.nextBoolean()) { // :catflushed: int offX = 0; int offZ = 0; if (random.nextBoolean()) { offX = random.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1; } else { offZ = random.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1; } // note: this can cross chunk boundaries but, honestly, that's completely fine toSeed.add(skybase.add(offX, 0, offZ)); } }); };; // after 2 seconds, we will know if it succeeded or is unloaded // so, only send the rest after 2 seconds // either it'll work fine (just delayed), or we'll save a dozen or so checks because it'll run up against BlockCheckManager's observedUnloaded cache! TrackyTrackyManager.scheduler.schedule(LoggingExecutor.wrap(() -> { for (BlockPos pos : toSeedHigh) { askFor(pos, 57, now - RENEW_AGE); } for (BlockPos pos : toSeed) { askFor(pos, 58, now - RENEW_AGE); } }), 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } private HeightmapTimestampedCacheEntryWrapper heightMap(long cpos) { // return: the Y coordinates of the first non-air block. 0 if fully air int[][] ret = new int[16][16]; int[] data; try { data = this.chunkManager.getChunk(cpos).get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { for (int y = 255; y >= 0; y--) { if (!isAir(data[y * 256 + x * 16 + z])) { ret[x][z] = y; break; } } } } return new HeightmapTimestampedCacheEntryWrapper(ret); } private List interestingYCoordsFromLastTime(int x, int z) { // this will include any "manual" slurping i've done in singleplayer // ALL skybases should be caught by this, if we've slurped them at any point in history, I think? try (Connection connection = Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("WITH col AS (SELECT block_state, y, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY y ORDER BY created_at DESC) AS age FROM blocks WHERE x = ? AND z = ? AND dimension = ? AND server_id = ?) SELECT (SELECT MAX(y) FROM col WHERE age = 1 AND block_state <> 0) AS max_y, (SELECT MIN(y) FROM col WHERE age = 1 AND block_state = 0) AS min_y")) { stmt.setInt(1, x); stmt.setInt(2, z); stmt.setShort(3, world.dimension); stmt.setShort(4, world.server.serverID); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); if ( { int maxY = rs.getInt("max_y"); if (!rs.wasNull()) { ret.add(maxY); } int minY = rs.getInt("min_y"); if (!rs.wasNull()) { ret.add(minY - 1); // the caller does (y, y+1), and we want the air and the block below it, so we start at that non-air block which is at y-1 } } return ret; } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private void ingestIntoClusterHit() { List tmpBuffer = new ArrayList<>(ingest.size()); try { tmpBuffer.add(ingest.take()); // blockingly take at least one } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } ingest.drainTo(tmpBuffer); // non blockingly take any remainings Map chunkTimestamps = -> ChunkPos.fromLong(cpwt.cpos), Collectors.reducing(0L, cpwt -> cpwt.timestamp, Math::max))); // first remove non cluster members, because otherwise clusterHit would get HUGE, instantly // (it would get like, every path taken by everyone for a day) // and that would suck to sort by distance try (Connection connection = Database.getConnection()) { synchronized (ingestLock) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Iterator it = chunkTimestamps.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ChunkPos pos =; long cpos = pos.toLong(); if (clusterMembershipConfirmed.contains(cpos)) { continue; // this pos has already passed this check previously } if (clusterHit.containsKey(cpos)) { continue; // a nearby chunk has passed, so allow some expansion } long confirmedAt = clusterNonmembershipConfirmedAtCache.get(cpos); if (confirmedAt != 0 && confirmedAt > now - CLUSTER_DATA_CACHE_DURATION) { it.remove(); continue; } OptionalInt cluster = DBSCAN.INSTANCE.clusterMemberWithinRenderDistance(world.server.serverID, world.dimension, pos.x, pos.z, connection); if (cluster.isPresent()) { if (BLACKLISTED_CLUSTERS.contains(cluster.getAsInt())) {; } else { clusterMembershipConfirmed.add(cpos); continue; } } it.remove(); clusterNonmembershipConfirmedAtCache.put(cpos, now); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } // no need for a lock on clusterHit, since this is the only function that touches it, and this function is single threaded chunkTimestamps.forEach((pos, timestamp) -> { long unboxedTimeStamp = timestamp; for (int dx = -4; dx <= 4; dx++) { for (int dz = -4; dz <= 4; dz++) { clusterHit.merge(pos.serializedAdd(dx, dz), unboxedTimeStamp, Math::max); } } clusterHitDirect.merge(pos.toLong(), unboxedTimeStamp, Math::max); }); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); clusterHit.values().removeIf(ts -> ts < now - RENEW_AGE); Iterator it = clusterHitDirect.long2LongEntrySet().fastIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Long2LongMap.Entry entry =; if (entry.getLongValue() < now - PENDING_RECHECK_AGE) {; clusterHitDirectPrunes.add(entry.getLongKey()); it.remove(); } } } public void clusterUpdate(ChunkPos cpos) { // dbscan informing us of a cluster update synchronized (ingestLock) { for (int dx = -4; dx <= 4; dx++) { for (int dz = -4; dz <= 4; dz++) { // due to our ranged check we need to invalidate EVERY nearby CNCAC member clusterNonmembershipConfirmedAtCache.remove(cpos.serializedAdd(dx, dz)); } } } } private synchronized void pruneAsks() { // re-paint-bucket everything allAsks.clear(); askedAndGotUnloadedResponse.clear(); } private void pruneClusterData() { // note: technically shouldn't be necessary due to live update but node stuff is complicated and dbscan might brainfart or miss the schedule who knows synchronized (ingestLock) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); clusterNonmembershipConfirmedAtCache.values().removeIf(ts -> ts < now - CLUSTER_DATA_CACHE_DURATION); } } public void arbitraryHitExternal(ChunkPos pos) { long cpos = pos.toLong(); world.blockCheckManager.loaded(cpos); arbitraryHit(cpos); } private synchronized void arbitraryHit(long cpos) { if (DBSCAN.INSTANCE.aggregateEligible(cpos)) { ingest.add(new ChunkPosWithTimestamp(cpos)); } ResumeDataForChunk data = askedAndGotUnloadedResponse.remove(cpos); if (data == null) { return; } // bypass allAsks add since we took the data from there in the first place // simple retransmit ObjectIterator> failedBlockChunksIterator = data.failedBlockChecks.long2ObjectEntrySet().fastIterator(); while (failedBlockChunksIterator.hasNext()) { Long2ObjectMap.Entry entry =; long otherPos = entry.getLongKey(); FailedAsk failedAsk = entry.getValue(); doRawAsk(failedAsk.mustBeNewerThan, BlockPos.fromLong(otherPos), failedAsk.priority); } data.failedSignChecks.forEach((otherPos, mustBeNewerThan) -> doRawSign(mustBeNewerThan, otherPos)); } private synchronized ResumeDataForChunk getData(long cpos) { return askedAndGotUnloadedResponse.computeIfAbsent(cpos, cpos0 -> new ResumeDataForChunk()); } private synchronized void blockRecv(BlockPos pos, OptionalInt state, BlockCheckManager.BlockEventType type, long timestamp, int[] chunkData) { long bpos = pos.toLong(); LongValue keyOffHeap = AskStatus.Helper.getAndSetKey(bpos); AskStatus askStat = allAsks.getUsing(keyOffHeap, AskStatus.Helper.ASK_STATUS_VALUE); if (askStat != null) { if (askStat.getReceivedAt() == timestamp) { return; } askStat.setReceivedAt(timestamp); } long cpos = BlockPos.blockToChunk(bpos); ResumeDataForChunk data = getData(cpos); if (!state.isPresent()) { // a miss // mark it as such, and we'll retry if we ever see this chunk reloaded! :) if (askStat != null) { data.failedBlockChecks.put(bpos, new FailedAsk(askStat)); askStat.setResponse(AskStatus.NO_RESPONSE); allAsks.put(keyOffHeap, askStat); // also puts setReceivedAt from earlier } return; } // a hit // first, fixup unloaded responses data.failedBlockChecks.remove(bpos); // don't double ask if (type != BlockCheckManager.BlockEventType.CACHED) { arbitraryHit(cpos); // ask for the OTHER pending checks on this chunk } // now, what were we expecting? int blockState = state.getAsInt(); if (isSign(blockState)) { if (signsAskedFor.add(pos)) { //System.out.println("NOT asking for sign at " + pos); //doRawSign(signBrushNewer(), pos); } } if (isShulker(blockState)) { //System.out.println("Shulker (blockstate " + blockState + ") at " + pos); } int expected = expected(bpos, pos, chunkData); if (askStat != null) { askStat.setResponse(blockState); allAsks.put(keyOffHeap, askStat); // also puts setReceivedAt from earlier } // important to remember that there are FOUR things at play here: // previous (stored in DB) // current // expected (current cached value) // expected (from fresh world gen) // for previous, all we get is the "updated" boolean which says if current!=previous // we currently 100% ignore the 4th one btw boolean expand = false; boolean expandBrush = false; // if "updated" is true, we will always expand in brush mode, because that means the actual world changed if (type == BlockCheckManager.BlockEventType.UPDATED) { //System.out.println("Expanding " + pos + " in brush mode"); expand = true; expandBrush = true; } else { // either previous is null, or previous==current if (type == BlockCheckManager.BlockEventType.FIRST_TIME) { // first time matching graduates expand to expandBrush but it doesn't change something that matches generator expandBrush = true; } if (chunkData != null && blockState != expected) { // only if we actually have chunkData if (!(isStone(blockState) && isStone(expected))) { // stone variants are a troll, don't expand them expand = true; } } // if current == expected, and updated is false, then there is absolutely no new information here } if (expand) { for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { askFor(pos.add(x, y, z), Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y) + Math.abs(z) + 57, calcNewer(expandBrush ? BRUSH_AGE : EXPAND_AGE)); } } } } } private static long calcNewer(long interval) { // avoid spurious updates to askFor return System.currentTimeMillis() / (interval / 10) * (interval / 10) - interval; } private synchronized int expected(long bpos, BlockPos pos, int[] chunkData) { AskStatus stat = allAsks.getUsing(AskStatus.Helper.getAndSetKey(bpos), AskStatus.Helper.ASK_STATUS_VALUE); if (stat != null) { int response = stat.getResponse(); if (response != AskStatus.NO_RESPONSE) { return response; } } if (chunkData == null) { return -1; } int x = pos.x & 0x0f; int y = pos.y & 0xff; int z = pos.z & 0x0f; return chunkData[y * 256 + x * 16 + z]; } private synchronized void signRecv(BlockPos pos, long mustBeNewerThan, Optional nbt) { long cpos = BlockPos.blockToChunk(pos.toLong()); if (!nbt.isPresent()) { // schedule for retry getData(cpos).failedSignChecks.put(pos, mustBeNewerThan); return; } getData(cpos).failedSignChecks.remove(pos); // success arbitraryHit(cpos); } private static boolean isSign(int blockState) { return (blockState >= 1008 && blockState < 1024) || (blockState >= 1090 && blockState < 1094); } private static boolean isStone(int blockState) { return blockState >= 16 && blockState < 23; } private static boolean isAir(int blockState) { return blockState == 0; } private static final Set SHULKER_BLOCK_STATES = new HashSet<>(); static { for (int i : new int[]{3504, 3505, 3506, 3507, 3508, 3509, 3520, 3521, 3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 3536, 3537, 3538, 3539, 3540, 3541, 3552, 3553, 3554, 3555, 3556, 3557, 3568, 3569, 3570, 3571, 3572, 3573, 3584, 3585, 3586, 3587, 3588, 3589, 3600, 3601, 3602, 3603, 3604, 3605, 3616, 3617, 3618, 3619, 3620, 3621, 3632, 3633, 3634, 3635, 3636, 3637, 3648, 3649, 3650, 3651, 3652, 3653, 3664, 3665, 3666, 3667, 3668, 3669, 3680, 3681, 3682, 3683, 3684, 3685, 3696, 3697, 3698, 3699, 3700, 3701, 3712, 3713, 3714, 3715, 3716, 3717, 3728, 3729, 3730, 3731, 3732, 3733, 3744, 3745, 3746, 3747, 3748, 3749}) { SHULKER_BLOCK_STATES.add(i); } } private static boolean isShulker(int blockState) { return SHULKER_BLOCK_STATES.contains(blockState); } private synchronized void askFor(BlockPos pos, int priority, long mustBeNewerThan) { if (pos.y >= 256 || pos.y < 0) { return; } long bpos = pos.toLong(); LongValue keyOffHeap = AskStatus.Helper.getAndSetKey(bpos); AskStatus valueOffHeap = AskStatus.Helper.ASK_STATUS_VALUE; AskStatus cur = allAsks.getUsing(keyOffHeap, valueOffHeap); if (cur != null) { if (cur.getHighestPriorityAskedAt() <= priority && cur.getMustBeNewerThan() >= mustBeNewerThan) { return; } } else { cur = valueOffHeap; } cur.setHighestPriorityAskedAt(priority); cur.setMustBeNewerThan(mustBeNewerThan); cur.setResponse(AskStatus.NO_RESPONSE); cur.setLastDirectAsk(System.currentTimeMillis()); cur.setReceivedAt(0); allAsks.put(keyOffHeap, cur); doRawAsk(mustBeNewerThan, pos, priority); } private void doRawAsk(long mustBeNewerThan, BlockPos pos, int priority) { world.blockCheckManager.requestBlockState(mustBeNewerThan, pos, priority, (state, type, timestamp) -> { if (chunkManager == null || !state.isPresent()) { blockRecvExecutor.execute(() -> blockRecv(pos, state, type, timestamp, null)); } else { chunkManager.getChunk(BlockPos.blockToChunk(pos.toLong())).thenAcceptAsync(chunkData -> blockRecv(pos, state, type, timestamp, chunkData), blockRecvExecutor); } }); } private void doRawSign(long mustBeNewerThan, BlockPos pos) { world.signManager.requestAsync(mustBeNewerThan, pos, nbt -> signRecv(pos, mustBeNewerThan, nbt)); } private static class FailedAsk { private final int priority; private final long mustBeNewerThan; public FailedAsk(AskStatus stat) { this.priority = stat.getHighestPriorityAskedAt(); this.mustBeNewerThan = stat.getMustBeNewerThan(); } } private static class ResumeDataForChunk { private final Long2ObjectOpenHashMap failedBlockChecks = new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); private final Map failedSignChecks = new HashMap<>(); } public interface AskStatus { int NO_RESPONSE = -1; int getHighestPriorityAskedAt(); void setHighestPriorityAskedAt(final int highestPriorityAskedAt); long getMustBeNewerThan(); void setMustBeNewerThan(final long mustBeNewerThan); int getResponse(); void setResponse(final int response); long getLastDirectAsk(); void setLastDirectAsk(final long lastDirectAsk); long getReceivedAt(); void setReceivedAt(final long receivedAt); class Helper { public static final LongValue LONG_VALUE_KEY = Values.newHeapInstance(LongValue.class); public static final AskStatus ASK_STATUS_VALUE = Values.newHeapInstance(AskStatus.class); static LongValue getAndSetKey(final long keyValue) { final LongValue value = LONG_VALUE_KEY; value.setValue(keyValue); // TODO: figure out how to stop proguard from removing this final long newValue = value.getValue(); if (newValue != keyValue) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value in LongValue? Expected " + keyValue + " but was " + newValue); } return value; } } } private static class ChunkPosWithTimestamp { public final long cpos; public final long timestamp; public ChunkPosWithTimestamp(long cpos) { this.cpos = cpos; this.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } private static class HeightmapTimestampedCacheEntryWrapper { private final byte[] compactMap; private long lastAccess; private HeightmapTimestampedCacheEntryWrapper(int[][] data) { this.compactMap = new byte[256]; for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { compactMap[x * 16 + z] = (byte) data[x][z]; } } this.lastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public int getHeightMapAt(int x, int z) { lastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis(); int height = compactMap[x * 16 + z]; return height & 0xff; } } }