package nocomment.master.slurp; import io.prometheus.client.Counter; import io.prometheus.client.Gauge; import io.prometheus.client.Histogram; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2LongMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2LongOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator; import nocomment.master.NoComment; import nocomment.master.World; import nocomment.master.db.Database; import nocomment.master.tracking.TrackyTrackyManager; import nocomment.master.util.BlockPos; import nocomment.master.util.LoggingExecutor; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import; public final class BlockCheckManager { private static final Histogram blockPruneLatencies = .name("block_prune_latencies") .help("Block prune latencies") .labelNames("dimension") .register(); private static final Gauge checkStatusQueueLength = .name("check_status_queue_length") .help("Length of the check status queue") .register(); private static final Gauge checkStatusQueueLatency = .name("check_status_queue_latency") .help("Age of the head of the check status queue") .register(); private static final Counter checksRan = .name("checks_ran_total") .help("Number of checks we have run") .register(); private static final Gauge blockCheckStatuses = .name("block_check_statuses_size") .help("Size of the block check statuses") .labelNames("dimension") .register(); public final World world; private final Long2ObjectOpenHashMap> statuses = new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); private final Long2LongOpenHashMap observedUnloaded = new Long2LongOpenHashMap(); private final LinkedBlockingQueue results = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); private final Object pruneLock = new Object(); private static final long PRUNE_INTERVAL = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(15); private static final long PRUNE_AGE = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(30); // check status are spammed WAY too fast // this executor is for database fetches from blocks or signs // to avoid overwhelming the main executor with literally thousands of DB queries for blocks and signs from the past public static LinkedBlockingQueue checkStatusQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); private static LinkedBlockingQueue checkStatusExecutorQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); public static Executor checkStatusExecutor = new LoggingExecutor(new ThreadPoolExecutor(4, 4, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, checkStatusExecutorQueue), "check_status"); public static Executor unloadObservationExecutor = new LoggingExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4), "unload_observation"); public BlockCheckManager(World world) { = world; TrackyTrackyManager.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(LoggingExecutor.wrap(this::update), 0, 250, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); TrackyTrackyManager.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(LoggingExecutor.wrap(() -> blockPruneLatencies.labels(world.dim()).time(this::blockPrune)), PRUNE_INTERVAL, PRUNE_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } private void update() { prune(); if (results.isEmpty()) { return; } List toInsert = new ArrayList<>(100); try (Connection connection = Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO blocks (x, y, z, block_state, created_at, dimension, server_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) { connection.setAutoCommit(false); do { results.drainTo(toInsert, 100); for (BlockCheckStatus.ResultToInsert result : toInsert) { result.setupStatement(stmt); stmt.execute(); } connection.commit(); Database.incrementCommitCounter("block_batched"); toInsert.clear(); } while (results.size() >= 100); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public enum BlockEventType { UNLOADED, FIRST_TIME, MATCHES_PREV, UPDATED, CACHED } @FunctionalInterface public interface BlockListener { void accept(OptionalInt state, BlockEventType type, long timestamp); } private synchronized BlockCheckStatus get(long bpos) { return statuses.computeIfAbsent(BlockPos.blockToChunk(bpos), cpos -> new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<>()).computeIfAbsent(bpos, BlockCheckStatus::new); } private synchronized long isUnloaded(long cpos) { if (observedUnloaded.containsKey(cpos)) { return observedUnloaded.get(cpos); } return -1; } private synchronized void unloadedAt(long cpos, long now) { if (!observedUnloaded.containsKey(cpos) || observedUnloaded.get(cpos) < now) { observedUnloaded.put(cpos, now); } // wrap in executor to prevent stupid deadlock again List s = new ArrayList<>(statuses.get(cpos).values()); unloadObservationExecutor.execute(() -> s.forEach(status -> status.onResponseInternal(OptionalInt.empty(), now))); } public synchronized void loaded(long cpos) { observedUnloaded.remove(cpos); } private synchronized void prune() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long fence = now - TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10); ObjectIterator it = observedUnloaded.long2LongEntrySet().fastIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Long2LongMap.Entry entry =; if (entry.getLongValue() < fence) { it.remove(); } } } public synchronized boolean hasBeenRemoved(long bpos) { long cpos = BlockPos.blockToChunk(bpos); Long2ObjectOpenHashMap thisChunk = statuses.get(cpos); return thisChunk == null || !thisChunk.containsKey(bpos); } private synchronized int cacheSize() { return statuses.values().stream().mapToInt(Map::size).sum(); } private synchronized void blockPrune() { synchronized (pruneLock) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); int beforeSz = cacheSize(); int maybeButNotActually = 0; int numActuallyRemoved = 0; ObjectIterator>> outerIt = statuses.long2ObjectEntrySet().fastIterator(); while (outerIt.hasNext()) { Long2ObjectMap.Entry> outerEntry =; ObjectIterator> innerIt = outerEntry.getValue().long2ObjectEntrySet().fastIterator(); while (innerIt.hasNext()) { Long2ObjectMap.Entry entry =; BlockCheckStatus bcs = entry.getValue(); if (bcs.maybePrunable(now)) { synchronized (bcs) { if (bcs.actuallyPrunable(now)) { innerIt.remove(); // must call remove within bcs lock!! numActuallyRemoved++; } else { maybeButNotActually++; } } } } if (outerEntry.getValue().isEmpty()) { outerIt.remove(); } } int afterSz = cacheSize(); Map countByPriority = statuses.values().stream().map(Map::values).flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(bcs -> bcs.highestSubmittedPriority, Collectors.counting())); System.out.println("Cache size change should be " + numActuallyRemoved + " but was actually " + (beforeSz - afterSz)); blockCheckStatuses.labels(world.dim()).set(afterSz); System.out.println("FASTER? Block prune in block check manager took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - now) + "ms. Cache size went from " + beforeSz + " to " + afterSz + ". Maybe but not actually: " + maybeButNotActually + ". Count by priority: " + countByPriority); } } public void requestBlockState(long mustBeNewerThan, BlockPos pos, int priority, BlockListener onCompleted) { long bpos = pos.toLong(); NoComment.executor.execute(() -> { synchronized (BlockCheckManager.this) { // i hate myself synchronized (pruneLock) { get(bpos).requested(mustBeNewerThan, priority, onCompleted); // this is fine since requested holds no lock s } } }); } private static void checkStatusConsumer() { checkStatusQueueLength.set(checkStatusQueue.size()); BlockCheckStatus head = checkStatusQueue.peek(); if (head == null) { checkStatusQueueLatency.set(0); // no latency if queue is empty return; } checkStatusQueueLatency.set((System.currentTimeMillis() - head.constructedAt) / 1000.0d); List statuses = new ArrayList<>(200); checkStatusQueue.drainTo(statuses, 200); if (statuses.isEmpty()) { return; } try (Connection connection = Database.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT block_state, created_at FROM blocks WHERE x = ? AND y = ? AND z = ? AND dimension = ? AND server_id = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1")) { connection.setAutoCommit(false); for (BlockCheckStatus stat : statuses) { stat.checkDatabase(stmt); }; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public static final CompletableFuture STATIC_DATABASE_CHECKED_COMPLETION = new CompletableFuture<>(); static { STATIC_DATABASE_CHECKED_COMPLETION.complete(true); } public class BlockCheckStatus { public final long bpos; private int highestSubmittedPriority = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // split up these two lists into "first" and "rest" to optimize RAM for the common case which are only 0 or 1 entries private BlockListener firstListener; private List otherListeners; private BlockCheck firstInFlight; private List otherInFlight; private int blockStateOptional; private boolean blockStateOptionalPresent; // this optional is "destructured" into an int + a boolean for the same reason - there are tens of millions of these on the heap, and every little thing counts private long responseAt; private CompletableFuture checkedDatabaseYet; // IMPORTANT: this field is overwritten after completion to STATIC_DATABASE_CHECKED_COMPLETION private long lastActivity; private final long constructedAt; private BlockCheckStatus(long bpos) { this.firstListener = null; this.otherListeners = null; this.bpos = bpos; this.firstInFlight = null; this.otherInFlight = null; this.checkedDatabaseYet = new CompletableFuture<>(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastActivity = now; constructedAt = now; checkStatusQueue.add(this); checkStatusQueueLength.set(checkStatusQueue.size()); if (checkStatusExecutorQueue.size() < 10) { checkStatusExecutor.execute(BlockCheckManager::checkStatusConsumer); } if (!Thread.holdsLock(BlockCheckManager.this)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } blockCheckStatuses.labels(world.dim()).inc(); } private boolean maybePrunable(long now) { return checkedDatabaseYet.isDone() && lastActivity < now - PRUNE_AGE; } private boolean actuallyPrunable(long now) { if (!Thread.holdsLock(BlockCheckStatus.this)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return maybePrunable(now) && firstListener == null && otherListeners == null && firstInFlight == null && otherInFlight == null; } private synchronized void checkDatabase(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { // this synchronized is just for peace of mind, it should never actually become necessary try { final BlockPos pos = pos(); stmt.setInt(1, pos.x); stmt.setShort(2, (short) pos.y); stmt.setInt(3, pos.z); stmt.setShort(4, world.dimension); stmt.setShort(5, world.server.serverID); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( { blockStateOptionalPresent = true; blockStateOptional = rs.getInt("block_state"); responseAt = rs.getLong("created_at"); } } } finally { // first, fire all async waiters blocking on checkedDatabaseYet checkedDatabaseYet.complete(true); // it's also okay if .thenAcceptAsync is called right here and races between these two lines - the old checkedDatabaseYet will instantly dispatch since it was previously completed checkedDatabaseYet = STATIC_DATABASE_CHECKED_COMPLETION; // from now on, checkedDatabaseYet just needs to be an insta-dispatching completed Future // this means it doesn't need to be a unique object // therefore, to save RAM, replace it with the singleton } } public void requested(long mustBeNewerThan, int priority, BlockListener listener) { lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis(); checkedDatabaseYet.thenAcceptAsync(ignored -> requested0(mustBeNewerThan, priority, listener), NoComment.executor); } private synchronized void requested0(long mustBeNewerThan, int priority, BlockListener listener) { lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis(); // first, check if cached loaded (e.g. from db) if (blockStateOptionalPresent && responseAt > mustBeNewerThan) { OptionalInt state = OptionalInt.of(blockStateOptional); NoComment.executor.execute(() -> listener.accept(state, BlockEventType.CACHED, responseAt)); return; } // then, check if cached unloaded long unloadedAt = isUnloaded(cpos()); if (unloadedAt != -1 && unloadedAt > mustBeNewerThan && !(blockStateOptionalPresent && responseAt > unloadedAt)) { // if this is unloaded, since the newer than, and not older than a real response // then that's what we do onResponseInternal(OptionalInt.empty(), unloadedAt); NoComment.executor.execute(() -> listener.accept(OptionalInt.empty(), BlockEventType.UNLOADED, unloadedAt)); return; } if (firstListener == null) { firstListener = listener; } else { if (otherListeners == null) { otherListeners = new ArrayList<>(1); } otherListeners.add(listener); } if (priority < highestSubmittedPriority) { highestSubmittedPriority = priority; BlockCheck check = new BlockCheck(priority, this); if (firstInFlight == null) { firstInFlight = check; } else { if (otherInFlight == null) { otherInFlight = new ArrayList<>(1); } otherInFlight.add(check); } NoComment.executor.execute(() -> world.submit(check)); } } public void onResponse(OptionalInt state) { lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (state.isPresent()) { onResponseInternal(state, now); loaded(cpos()); } else { unloadedAt(cpos(), now); } } private synchronized void onResponseInternal(OptionalInt state, long timestamp) { if (state.isPresent()) { // chunk confirmed unloaded doesn't count as activity lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (responseAt >= timestamp) { return; } BlockEventType type; if (!state.isPresent()) { type = BlockEventType.UNLOADED; } else if (!blockStateOptionalPresent) { type = BlockEventType.FIRST_TIME; } else if (state.getAsInt() == blockStateOptional) { type = BlockEventType.MATCHES_PREV; } else { type = BlockEventType.UPDATED; } if (state.isPresent()) { responseAt = timestamp; blockStateOptionalPresent = true; blockStateOptional = state.getAsInt(); results.add(new ResultToInsert(state.getAsInt(), responseAt)); } highestSubmittedPriority = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // reset if (firstInFlight != null) { world.cancelAndRemoveAsync(firstInFlight); if (otherInFlight != null) { otherInFlight.forEach(world::cancelAndRemoveAsync); // unneeded } } if (firstListener != null) { BlockListener localCopy = firstListener; NoComment.executor.execute(() -> localCopy.accept(state, type, timestamp)); if (otherListeners != null) { for (BlockListener listener : otherListeners) { NoComment.executor.execute(() -> listener.accept(state, type, timestamp)); } } } firstInFlight = null; otherInFlight = null; firstListener = null; otherListeners = null; } public final BlockPos pos() { return BlockPos.fromLong(bpos); } public final long cpos() { return BlockPos.blockToChunk(bpos); } private class ResultToInsert { private final int blockState; private final long timestamp; private ResultToInsert(int blockState, long timestamp) { this.blockState = blockState; this.timestamp = timestamp; } private void setupStatement(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setInt(1, pos().x); stmt.setShort(2, (short) pos().y); stmt.setInt(3, pos().z); stmt.setInt(4, blockState); stmt.setLong(5, timestamp); stmt.setShort(6, world.dimension); stmt.setShort(7, world.server.serverID); } } } }