Access to your server: Must only be granted to users who have a genuine paid-for version of Minecraft Can’t be limited to or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a player owning or having access to out-of-game content, products, or services You may make money by charging for access to your server by: Charging for access to your server, provided that: o The cost to access the server is the same for everyone o Everyone who pays to access the server has access to all the mods you chose to enable on your server (except in the case of mods and other admin tool reserved for server administrators) o Own or control the server and continue to do so for the whole time that you charge for access to it Asking for donations, so long as you don’t offer the donor something that only they can use However, you may offer all players server wide rewards if donation goals are met. Selling entitlements that affect gameplay provided they don’t ruin other players’ experience or give a competitive advantage in the game Selling cosmetics, except for capes or anything that attempts to visually act like the feature of a Minecraft player cape Providing in-game display and video advertising that: o Doesn’t hurt gameplay or give some players any competitive advantage o Follow the guidelines in the Constructed Promotions in Minecraft section Selling and using in-game virtual currencies as long as they: o Have no real-world value and can’t be cashed out, used, transferred across other servers, or converted into any other real-world currency o Don’t give the impression that the in-game currency is from or affiliated with Mojang o Don’t look like or have a name like Minecoins or any other virtual currency Regardless of how you choose to make money to support your server, you may only do so if: All servers, entitlements, and advertising are suitable for audiences of all ages (for example, gambling, pornography, violence, terrorism, explicit lyrics, or other unsafe/mature content) and they don’t harm the Minecraft brand You make it clear that you are responsible for all end user data privacy and protection requirements You don’t hide or alter any of the dialogs or prompts that are part of Minecraft (this includes the End User License Agreement (EULA), warning messages, and error messages) You provide any user who gives you real-world currency an online payment and purchase history for purchases made with that currency You provide information to users on all the content and pricing applicable to your server before a person joins, signs up, or signs in You don’t host or distribute malware, spyware, or engage in illegal activity through your server You require any social influencers (for example, on YouTube, Facebook Gaming, Instagram, Twitch) promoting your server to disclose their relationship with you and follow the guidelines published by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission